Our Kit List
Our Kit List includes all the essential items that your child will need for a day at KatieB Kids.
In creating this list, we have considered sustainability, the season and what your child needs to be comfortable, safe, and able to enjoy everything that we offer in our nursery.
A labelled wet and dry bag - for bringing soiled clothes home
A labelled reusable food storage box – to bring home baked goods from a cooking activity or a birthday treat from a peer
These save the unnecessary use of single use plastic bags and food wrapping
A re-useable water bottle
A spare set of clothes (with child's name clearly labelled inside) to change into if they get messy
A bottle for milk
Formula or EBM
Nappies - either for the day or in bulk
Wipes - either for the day or in bulk
Nappy Cream
A special toy/ comforter for under 3’s
A blanket for children that sleep at nursery - please provide a blanket that can go in the washing machine
For children who are potty training we ask for 4 spare sets of underwear and bottoms please – your child will be busy and easily distracted at nursery and so we expect more accidents than at home in the early stages of potty training
Your child should please attend nursery in clothes that can get messy – our children love messy play and craft, and ‘best’ clothes could easily be spoilt.
Clothing should be comfortable and enable your child to move freely. Our children climb, jump, run and play – they need to be able to do this without restriction.
Indoor closed toed shoes or slippers – we want our children to feel at home in nursery, and a no outside shoe rule helps keep our indoor spaces clean. Bare feet or socks however are not the safest with some activities and so some footwear is required.
Closed toed shoes or boots – our children play outside every day and so they need footwear that are suitable outside for the weather.
Welly boots – it can rain anytime of the year – and wellies mean we can embrace outside play whatever the weather. If your child can toddle, we ask for a pair of wellies to be kept in nursery please so we are always good to go!
A seasonal hat – in summer we need a sun hat and in winter a woolly hat please.
A jacket or coat – in Spring and Summer please provide a light rain jacket and in Autumn and Winter, a warm coat and waterproof trousers or a waterproof all-in-one.
Waterproof trousers or an all in one suit.
Mittens for winter on a string connected to your child’s coat. Fingered gloves are too challenging for children to use independently and so mittens are much better for this age group.
We have some recommendations for kit that we have found works well:
Non-spill toddler & baby Sippy cups & beakers
Plastic free stainless steel salad box
Wool slippers - the perfect house shoe
Waterproof and warm outdoor clothing - we have negotiated a 15% off full price items from Muddy Puddles with the code KATIEB15 (please enter before delivery)
Warm wellies - we have negotiated a 10% discount off child and adult wellies from the Warm Welly Company with the code KBK10